


MPSC conducted in two stages
  1. Prelims Exam
  2. Main Exam (followed by Interview)

Prelims Exam is held in May-June, while Main Exam takes place in October of the same here. To participate in exams just you want to fill the MPSC application form, and you will get the intimations about dates. The examination is conducted for following relevant posts.

Class 1 post:

  • Deputy Collector
  • Deputy Superintendent of Police (DySP)
  • Assistant Commissioner Sales Tax
  • Deputy Registrar Co-operative Societies
  • Deputy Chief Executive Officer
  • Superintendent State Excise Dept.
  • Block Development Officer (BDO) – A
  • Finance, Audit & Accounts Service – Group A
  • Chief Officer, Nagar Palika / Nagar Parishad – A
  • Tahasildar

Class 2 Posts:

  • Block Development Officer (BDO) – B
  • Deputy Superintendent State Excise Dept.
  • Finance, Audit & Accounts Service – Group B
  • Nayab Tahsildar
  • Sales tax Officer
  • Sales tax inspector
  • Some posts in Mantralaya
  • Chief Officer, Nagar Palika / Nagar Parishad – B
  • Sub-registrar Cooperative Societies – B
  • Taluka Inspector of Land Records (TILR)


What is Eligibility Criteria of MPSC??

Nationality: Candidate must be the citizen of India and domiciled in the State of Maharashtra.

Age: The minimum age for candidates appearing for an MPSC exam is 18 years, the maximum age is 33 years. The maximum age is relaxed able for OBC candidates (max. 35yrs.) and SC/ST/NT candidates (max. 38yrs.).

Educational Qualifications: Candidate should possess a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University; however, the candidate with a law degree may be given preference.

Students in their final year of graduation can also appear for the MPSC exam.

No of Attempts: There is no Limit; a candidate can appear any number of times.

MPSC Exam Pattern:

MPSC Preliminary Exam Pattern 

It consists of 2 papers, and the duration of both the papers is 2 hours. Candidate can get MPSC Preliminary Exam Pattern from the below table:

Paper Time Durationf Marks Paper Type
Paper 1 2 Hours each 200 Marks for each Objective
Paper 2
Main Exam Pattern
Paper Marks Paper Type
GS Paper 1 (History and Geography) 150 Marks for each Paper  


GS Paper 2 (Indian Constitution and Politics)
GS Paper 3 (Human Resource Development and Human Rights)
GS Paper 4 (Economics and Science & Technology)
Compulsory Marathi 100 Marks for each Paper Descriptive
Compulsory English
Total 800 Marks
What is the Syllabus of MPSC??
  • General Studies
  • Indian Polity
  • Current National Issues
  • International Affairs & Institutions
  • Indian Economy
  • Natural Resources of Madhya Pradesh
  • Energy Resources
  • Industries
  • Environment
  • Planning and Evaluation
  • Administrative Structure of Madhya Pradesh
  • Rural and Urban Administrative Structure
  • Games and Sports
  • History of Modern India (1818-1857) particularly Maharashtra: Introduction of modern education -Press, Railway, Post and Telegraph, Industries, Land reforms and Socio-religious reforms – Its impact on Society.
  • Establishment of British Rule in India: Wars against major Indian powers, Policy of subsidiary Alliance, Doctrine of Lapse, Structure of British Raj up to 1857.
  • Socio-Cultural Changes: Contacts with Christian Missions, coming of English education and the Press, Official-social reform measures (1828 to 1857). Socio-religious reform movements: Brahmo Samaj, Prarthana Samaj, Satyashodhak Samaj, and Arya Samaj. Reform movements among the Sikhs and the Muslims, Depressed Classes Mission, Non-Brahmin movement and Justice Party.
  • Social and economic awakening: Indian Nationalism – 1857 revolt and after, Indian National Congress (1885- 1947), Azad Hind Sena, Role of important personalities, Role of Press and Education in Social Awakening in pre- independent India.
  • Emergence and growth of Indian Nationalism: Social background, the formation of National Associations, Peasant uprisings, the foundation of Indian National Congress, the moderate phase, the growth of extremism, Morley-Minto reforms, Home Rule movement, Lucknow pact, Mont-Ford reforms.
  • India after Independence:
  • Selected Social Reformers of Maharashtra- their ideology and work
  • Cultural Heritage of Maharashtra (Ancient to Modern)
  • Physical Geography: Interior of the Earth- composition and physical conditions. Factors controlling L and form development. The concept of geomorphic cycles- landforms associated with a fluvial, arid, glacial, and coastal cycle. Evolution and Geomorphology of the Indian Subcontinent- Major physiographic regions -Problems of floods – Physiographic details of Maharashtra.
  • Economic Geography of Maharashtra: Minerals and Energy Resources: Their distribution, importance, and development in Maharashtra. Tourism in Maharashtra – Religious Tourism, Medicinal Tourism, Ecotourism and Cultural Heritage. Reserved forests, Animal Sanctuaries, National Parks and Forts in Maharashtra, Tiger Project.
  • Human and Social Geography of Maharashtra: Migration of population, causes, and effects, sugarcane Cutting laborers – effects of migration on source and destination areas. Rural settlements in Maharashtra.
  • Environmental Geography: Ecology and Ecosystem- energy flow, material cycle, food chain and Webs. Environmental degradation and conservation, global ecological imbalances- pollution and Greenhouse Effect, a role of CO2 and methane in the greenhouse effect, global warming, reduction in bio-diversity and Depletion of forests. Environmental laws and environmental impact assessment.
  • Population Geography (concerning Maharashtra): Causes and consequences of migration. Rural and Urban settlements- site, situation, types, size, spacing and morphology. Urbanization- process and problems. Rural – Urban Fringe and sphere of public influence.
  • Remote Sensing: Concept of remote sensing. Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites. Imageries- IRS Products, MSS bands- blue, green, red and near infra-red, False Color Composite (FCC).
  • Agroecology
  • Climate
  • Soil
  • Water Management
  • Human Resource Development in India – Present status of the population in India – Quantitative Aspect (size and growth – Sex, Age, Urban and Rural) and qualitative aspects (Education and Healthcare). Population policy and projection up to 2050.
  • Education: Education as a tool of HR development and social change. Education (Preprimary to Higher Education) system in India
  • Vocational Education: As an instrument of HR development. Vocational/Technical Education- Present Status, systems and training in India particularly in Maharashtra.
  • Health: As an essential and major component of HRD, Vital Statistics, and World Health Organization (WHO) – Objectives, structure, functions and its programmers.
  • Rural Development: Empowerment of Panchayat Raj system
General Aptitude


Interpersonal Skill including Communication Skill

Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability

Decision-Making and Problem Solving

General Mental Ability

Basic Numeracy, Data Interpretation

Hindi Language Comprehension Skill

Key Benefits

Planning is very necessary during a journey of the competitive exam. Go through MPSC academic calendar. You can understand how much time you have. Accordingly, you can allot a time to the respective subject. Start reading basic books such as Maharashtra state books of History, Science, Geography, Civics, economy, etc. and read them 2–4 times. Your base should be strong.

Newspaper reading is an activity you have to do every day. Do not follow stereotype question such as who is the first lady IPS officer? MPSC does not ask this type of question. Rather than you must read about new policies, their impact, Old policies, editorial. It helps in opinion making on the current issue. Do not read the political news or rape, murder, bribe news.


MPSC is a Government of Maharashtra organization which is responsible for conducting exams for recruitments to Maharashtra Government departments.

To full fill the recruitment of desired post this exam is conducted and  the various positions includes Govt. of Maharashtra engineering jobs, Income Tax Department Maharashtra jobs, Govt. of Maharashtra deputy collector jobs, Govt. of Maharashtra jobs of police sub-inspector and generally for any post of Class I and Class II Officers Govt. of Maharashtra.  So to get the job in the Government Sector of Maharashtra you should need to give this exam.

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