VSA Profile
Today, VSA is Ranked No.1 in Maharashtra and is known as one of the best educational centres imparting quality education in various fields such as Banking (IBPS Bank PO / Clerk), Civil Services (MPSC/ UPSC), Management (MBA / CMAT / CAT Entrance), Staff Selection Commission and Railway Recruitment Board (RRB). Our success has been noted across the country. Help and recognition have come from everywhere and in abundance. Literally, Thousands of our students join 20 Public Sector Banks, SBI and its association as officers and clerks.
During the past 12 years, we have helped over thousands of students to secure jobs in Banks as probationary officers and clerks. Training for interviews and group discussions are given free to all students. VSA’s classroom Online coaching program has been designed to address the need of interpersonal learning. Avail the best of the facilities to bring best in you:
We Provide:
- Well developed study Material.
- Highly experienced and trained faculty.
- Weekend batches for working professionals.
- Concept building and quicker approach in each Topic.
- Weekly tests, Monthly Tests and full length practice Tests.